Lviv 2016

Project costs and benefits




Net annual savings



Annual СО2 emission reduction



Problem description

Lviv is one of the leaders in Ukraine in implementation of energy saving measures and promotion of national energy savings principles. Energy passports for public buildings are being actively prepared and programs of preferential loans for residents are in place.

When embarking on the path towards energy efficiency improvement and applying European experience it was decided to show the importance of energy saving measures and their positive impact on the community. Therefore public buildings in education and health care sectors were selected.

Since Lviv city hasn’t had the necessary experience in energy efficiency project implementation, they turned for assistance to European partners and FIATU. It was a year and a half of сlose cooperation between FIATU and the city of Lviv on improving energy performance of public buildings.

The main problem in general school «Svitanok» and educational complex named after Symonenko was extremely low internal temperature. The reason was the specific heating distribution system: low temperature schedule and insufficient heat emission from heat appliances. The inside conditions were uncomfortable and caused frequent colds among students and staff.

Gymnasium «Prestige», which was built in the beginning of the previous century and had heat supply from the individual gas boiler house equipped with old boilers NIISTU notorious for their low efficiency coefficient. To complicate the problem even further, the gas boiler house was located in the basement under the school violating state construction norms for safety. The building heating system also needed reconstruction as its useful lifetime was running out. Distribution pipelines were bricked in walls increasing probability of emergency situations.

Solution to the problem

FIATU conducted energy audits and applied an individual approach for energy examination of each institution. The complex of energy saving measures for each institution was developed:

• general school «Svitanok»: FIATU recommended modernization of the heating system including installation of individual heat substation and replacement of old heat appliances with energy efficient ones along with window replacement;

• replacement of windows and installation of the individual heat substation for the educational complex named after Symonenko;

• gymnasium «Prestige»: the focus on the heating system. Installation of the modular gas boiler house with the weather regulation function, pipes and new heating appliances gymnasium «Prestige» were recommended;

• FIATU saw a possibility to achieve significant energy savings in combining wall insulation with heat consumption regulation for the clinic 4. Other measures included installation of individual heat substation, replacement of cold water supply pressure holding pumps with less energy intensive, recovery of pipe insulation were the implemented measures in clinics №4 and №6.

  • Kyiv, 1 Vyzvolyteliv prospect, office 638
  • +38 044 500 89 42
  • Mon – Fri 9:00-18:00